Please be sure to view my "Review Policy" page for updates before submitting a request for review.

Review Policy

** UPDATE: As of 9/3/2013 my reading queue is full. There are many of you, but only one of me :). At this time I am NOT accepting review requests. Thank you, Jason **

Authors, if you would like for me to review your book please feel free to contact me. I cannot guarantee how long it will take for me to complete the review as I am quite busy throughout the year. But, I will guarantee this, each submission will be read, or attempted to be read, and a fair and honest review will be written.

When requesting a review, please provide the following in an email:
  1.  *Email subject should be* Review Request for (Book Title)
  2. Author Name
  3. Publisher & Published Date
  4. Cover Photo (will be used in review)
  5. Synopsis (will be used in review)
  6. Link to author and/or publisher website.
I will not charge a fee to review your book. However, this I do ask, if you wish to request a fair and honest review from me please be willing, and able, to supply me with an ePub (format for Nook eReader), or actual print (paperback or hardcover) copy. If I feel your book is not a good fit for me, or if I am not interested, I will let you know prior to you providing me with it. Once I have your book, it will get read and reviewed.

I do not have a certain genre that I review. I pretty much keep an open mind, but I will not review non-fiction. If you have a series that you would like me to review please provide all books (It’s hard to review something that takes place in the middle of a storyline). However, my preferred genres are:

  1. Thriller (legal, political)
  2. Vampire, paranormal
  3. Sci-Fi
  4. Romance (yeah, I said it, don't judge)

All reviews will be posted:
  1. On this blog
  2. My Facebook Page 
  3. Goodreads
  4. Amazon
  5. Barnes & Noble
  6. Site of author/publisher request not listed above.

Finally, I am an independent reviewer. I reserve the right to choose what I read and review. My reviews are of my own opinion of the book and is in no way influenced by any author or publisher.

For review requests please click here.

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